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Thank You!

For standing with Minneapolis 

In the month of June I was having a conversation with my older sister, Breyonne about her well being since George Floyd's murder on May 25, 2020. As a Minneapolis resident and an Urban Planner for the city it was no surprise that this traumatic incident had taken a toll on her too especially since she worked in the community where George was killed. I could not just sit back and watch this tragedy unfold so I asked what can I do to help? That conversation bloomed into a fundraiser alongside her friend Tiffany.


As a response to the killing many communities in Minneapolis and St. Paul (Twin Cities) were violated and looted. We understood the rage this tragedy has caused but some individuals, families, and business owners have been negatively impacted by the outbursts. Through our fundraising ability and partnerships with religious institutions in Minneapolis,  we combined our efforts to revive their neighborhood.


The Northside Community's shopping district, located on West Broadway Avenue was one of the neighborhoods that was targeted. Unfortunately, The Northside community was already experiencing a food desert prior to this tragedy.  There was only one major grocery store covering six neighborhoods. That store was looted and the possibility of a quick recovery was slim. This  left community members in distraught without essential needs and no accessibility to public transportation to source outside their community. With support from all over the world we were able to raise $5,000 to buy household essentials to assist about 120 families within three weeks! Everyone's effort showed the city how vital The Cub's grocery store was that they agreed to rebuild the store. WE TRULY HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE POSITIVE CHANGE!


"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.




Thank You For Your Donations!



Free access to therapy services for Black Men in the Twin Cities

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Breyonne has moved forward to continue supporting her city and advocating for mental health services. She has founded Campaign For Black Men which provides free access to therapy services for Black Men in the Twin Cities. CFBM is a third party agency that connects Black Men in need of mental health services to culturally relatable therapists who can meet their needs. Therapy can often be a intimidating space but they want to ensure Black Men are in quality care for their healing. Generational trauma does not have to be any of our futures because we are now afforded the chance today to break the cycle. Therapy is a vital yet often forgotten form of justice and reform of our mental health system. 


Campaign for Black Men uses the support (monetary or sweat equity) of individuals, volunteers, private foundations and corporations to off set the financial cost associated to receiving mental health care.  Your donations are helping to make a difference in healing justice for black men in the Twin Cities, to be Well, be Whole and be Free! 



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